There were a lot of people building arks today. But I, Imperial Majesty of All That Is, have my ever-regal land yacht ('95 Buick Le Sabre) to ford rivers (the James), valleys, raging oceans and tranquil, flooded streets. I have a plan if the downpours continue. Some of the plan involves saving humanity, but most of it involves floating in all my glory down the streets of Richmond.
Brilliant Plan Of Action:
(setting - Rain)
1) Backstroke to my parked land yacht (LY) and climb in through the hole that I will simultaneously burn into the hood with the cutting torch that I keep in my back pocket for occasions such as this.
2) Brush hair, re-apply lip gloss (A World Dominator must look good no matter what the crisis).
By this point, the LY is floating in the parking lot. I have attached flags to its four corners.
3) Get on my mega-phone and tell all of those people trying to swim to get out of my way, as I have business to do. I begin my journey with a regal wave out of the window.
4) I proceed to pick up my friends and favored advisors, as well as a few babies and stray animals along the way (good PR).
5) Pass around the bowl of chips and salsa to my three best girlfriends (who have secured a seat inside the LY). Check to make sure that my B-List friends are OK floating in the intertube attached to the back of the LY.
6) Float LY to town hall. Claim the city in the name of all that is Good and Just (aka, me). "Ride the wave" to Ultimate Power. (Haha, sorry, couldn't resist).
2 days ago
Hahaha, Kelbel, all I can say is SHOTGUN!!!! Now pass the salsa!
Hun, you shotgun - that's a given. :) After, all, we are essentially married with our joint Movie Gallery account.
It was a beautiful moment, wasn't it? When I asked you to join me on my movie account, *tear* AND YOU SAID YES!!! You know what comes after perpetual shotgun, don't you???
If the Distiguish Gentlewoman from Richmond would yeild the floor, I'd like to suggest an alternate name for the Land Yacht: The Hoopty Sloop. :)
It just dawned on me...I need to hang out with J. HumHum before he leaves far far away!
I think I might even call him tonight. Yeah - that's what I'll do!
Alas, I just remembered that I have a prior social engagement tonight. I suppose I will have to put the phone call off until another night. Sad times.
awww :(
You can make up for it by joining me on my Blockbuster Rewards account...and you know what that will mean ;)
oh yeah!
HOW DARE YOU!! Kelly would never open another account! She's my account buddy, MINE!!!
*takes calming breath*
Love ya kelbel ;)
Gosh, I wonder what could be keeping you from your blog lately? ;)
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