We all know that the main purpose for the existence of showers is so that one can sing well, and with abandon. The acoustic capabilities of showers have continued to baffle scientists and acoustic specialists for decades. As I feel it is my duty to the world, and to the people who live above me, to not let the incredible acoustics in my shower to go to waste, when I'm in the shower - I sing. As the years have gone by, I have compiled a repertoire of songs. I may focus on one song in particular, or combine a few lines together from numerous songs. Either way, it is entertaining. Since I know that all my readers are just dying to get a glimpse of my repertoire, below, I have listed a few of my singing-in-the-shower favorites:
1. "So Are You To Me" - eastmountainsouth
2. "Blue Skies" (jazzy version, as performed by Eva Cassidy - I get to scat)
3. "Wade In The Water" (as performed by Eva Cassidy)
4. The entire "Songbird" album (as performed by Eva Cassidy)
5. "Killing Me Softly" - I know, I KNOW . . . it's just . . . you never know when you might be pushed onstage by your evil friends and forced to sing it in a karoake bar.
6. "Weep You No More" - a classic from the "Sense & Sensibility" movie starring Kate Winslet & Emma Thompson. Every now and then - I like to throw a little classical vocal work into the equation.
7. "If" (as performed by Jane Monheit - sung like I am in love).
8. "Blame It On My Youth" (as performed by Jane Monheit - sung with bitterness).
9. [Insert current Top 40 song that I can not get out of my head]
10. "Running" - eastmountainsouth
I am willing to take suggestions for further expanding my shower repertoire. Also, if you happen to be in my apartment at the same time that I am taking a shower, I may accept a few special requests on demand - assuming that I know your song selection, of course.
2 days ago
"Think of Me," from Phantom of the Opera. That's the one I sing when I want to remind myself I actually know how!
Hey, I think I used to sing that song in the shower back in high school when I was taking voice lessons. It's time to bring it back.
#3 - "Wade In the Water" has got to be the best suited for singing in the shower...especially if you happen to have a clog in the drain.
PS...When I'm in the shower, I sing the critically acclaimed smash hit by The Weather Girls -- "It's Raining Men"
Enter Sandman by Metallica...
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