I saw something on the drive home from The Fabulous One's house yesterday that I found very disturbing. I'm surprised that I never noticed it before, as it's located in the sketchtacular shopping center down the road from my apartment complex (a complex that hosts the "48 Hours store" and a "comic book store" whose windows are covered - ooo and a place where you can get a weave). Are you ready for this? It's a Chinese restaurant that sells fried chicken.
Why??! Gross. A Chinese place that sells fried chicken. Does anybody else find that disturbing? Its existence raises some very important questions. For example, why does it have so much excess chicken that it needs to deep fry the remainder and create a whole new non-Chinese menu item? Why can't the owners order just enough chicken to complete their "authentic" Chinese dishes? Is is really chicken? Why do they advertise themselves as a Chinese restaurant but also include a byline that screams, "Hey, btw, we have fried chicken, too, if you're craving the greasy stuff" ? Did they decide that they could make more money by catering to the stereotypical food choices of the nearby demographic? Who the hell sees a a Chinese restaurant and says, "Thank God. I was craving some fried chicken." There's a similar place that exists in Carytown, except it sells every cuisine under the sun - Chinese, fried chicken, seafood, cheeseburgers, probably freakin' baklava, too. Is it because the chefs are mediocre cooks in every genre of food and were like "Eh, what the hell, let's make it all?"
I'm sorry, I just find the whole thing as disturbing as the existence of all-you-can-eat seafood buffets.
2 days ago
You know I'm not saying that, Bryan. It's the whole principle of the thing. If an Asian cook would like to sell fried chicken, then he/she needs to have a restaurant that doesn't also sell Chinese food. I just find the menu combination disturbing. If you can explain it to me, I'd be more than happy to read what you have to say. :)
I think the more important question here isn't why they are selling fried chicken, but rather is the restaurant located next to a pet store?
I know, I know, let the stereotypes role, but your description of the area and the existence of fried chicken on the menu leads me to believe that it isn't chicken at all, just deep friend Hampster!
The place in Carytown disturbs me as well. In fact, when BuffaloBoy and I were taking a walk last week, we actually commented on it.
On another note, nice to have your company for dinner last night. *smile*
--the Fabulous One
It was nice joining you for dinner. :) Thank you for the yummy Chinese food and the girl talk. :)
I've seen that at chinese places before, and was always mildly disturbed. That is, until I was at a chinese restaurant on one occasion and actually heard someone order the fried chicken. Then I was greatly disturbed. Maybe if they dipped the legs and thighs in General Tso's sauce it would be less disgusting?
You can't "candy-coat" such a heinous crime! Pun intended (?)
Why would you order the fried chicken???!!
The pork sounds equally disgusting. Hehe.
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