I was listening to NPR at work yesterday and they had Bill Collins on, a former U.S. Poet Laureate. He had the audio of Robert Frost reading his very famous poem, "The Road Not Taken." Now, I've heard and read this poem a million times - pretty much everyone has heard and read this poem a million times - so much I think, that people don't truly engage with it anymore. When I heard Frost reading his own poetry though, it really added a whole new dimension to the poem that I have grown up with.
Not every poet can read his or her poetry well out loud. The inflection, volume and flow of the voice can enhance the line or draw out a layer of meaning that had been entirely unrealized. Someone reading poetry has to pay close attention to breaks in the line, to the emphasis of one word over the other . Robert Frost's voice was not entirely what I had expected - kind of like the physical appearance of radio djs is often one that you don't expect . When we read poetry, and actually, when we read anything to ourselves, most of us hear the words in our own voice. His voice was wisened, worldy . . . almost like a man who has seen too much , but at the same time, wished he could have seen more. It reminded me of some kind of grizzled man living off in a shack by himself . . . a la Thoreau (who actually, didn't stay in a shack by himself the whole time that he wrote Walden, but that's a discussion for another time). It was truly fascinating to hear Robert Frost speak and I found it even more poignant because he is no longer with us.
2 days ago
Strange that we both talked about "hermit like" behavior in our blog entries...
As usual, we are on the same wavelength. :)
Some people think I'm a hermit...
Is that why you've taken to talking to Teakettles?
Oh my gosh, Frank is the reincarnation of Robert Frost!
Teakettle says:
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
That's one of my favorites Teakettle, reminds me of my hermit lifestyle...
i'm beginning to think that kelly responds to her own blogs - she's the mystery commenters! :O
No, I think it's someone else. Frank seems a little too weird to be Kelly.
You think I'm an old man named Frank??
No wonder Josh Groban doesn't want to marry me.
How wonderful that you got to hear that. I have heard that recording before and it just literally moves me.
--Fab one
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