So, I think I scared a grocery boy last night. I'd honestly prefer to think that I just intimidated him with my wit and charm, but realistically . . . I think I scared him. I don't know how many of you have participated in, or are familiar with, the Ukrop's grocery store scene, but Ukrop's does this thing where they actually take your groceries to your car. It's a very nice customer service gesture, but I always feel bad that someone has to take my groceries to my car, so I always try to have a conversation with whomever is lucky enough to follow me to my parking spot, with groceries in tow.
Sometimes, I am more successful with the conversation starting than other times . . . last night, I definitely was struggling. Those of you who know me know that I have a tendency to bring up some of the most random topics in the world. Occasionally, certain people find that quality endearing (i.e. other random people), but the majority of seemingly normal people either look at me like I'm weird (which I am) or just pointedly ignore me in the hopes that maybe I'll just stop talking. That's what happened yesterday.
I had gone to Ukrops to stock up on essentials and I was already looking a bit scary - had to wear my glasses because my contacts were killing me. But, I like to think that I balanced out the whole glasses thing with the short dress and high heels that I was wearing. Anyway. The kid who was lucky enough to be chosen to take my groceries out was, I'd say, probably in high school. Seemed like a nice enough guy. And so begins the awkward conversation:
Me: Hello, how are you? *smile*
Grocery Boy (GB): . . . alright . . . *sullen look*
(Grocery Boy proceeds to push the cart with my groceries in it with one hand and the other cart that I was shopping with back into the line of other carts with the other hand).
Me: That was very impressive.
GB: . . .
*if there were crickets, they would be chirping*
Me: Um . . . hot outside, isn't it?
GB: Yeah.
*puts groceries in car*
GB: Have a good night. (<--- monotone)
2 days ago
I imagine most of the people reading this blog fit into the "Other Random People" category.
Next time you go there, if you get the same kid, buy a bag of ice, use half of it, and then ask him to put the rest back in the ice storage freezer ;)
I still can't believe you made me do that at the gas station. Hehe.
Maybe he has some kind of social disorder?
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