3 days ago
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
someone take away their parenting license
Ok, you would not believe what I saw. Seriously. Or maybe I should say - you would not want to believe what I saw. I was at the Starlite Cafe with The Marquee, eating dinner, when I happened to look over at a nearby table and see a mother helping her baby drink from a beer bottle. A BEER BOTTLE. (!!!!!) Excuse me? What?! For about 2.5 seconds I gave the mother the benefit of the doubt . . . maybe the beer bottle was filled with water and she was just trying to freak people out . . . but then I saw the mother and father take a swig from the beer bottle after the baby was done. I'm sorry. Those people should not be parents. I wanted to go over there and yell at them for being incompetent, but The Marquee managed to convince me to stay in my seat. I know that I'm not a parent, but I like to think that I have enough intelligence to know that letting my 9-month-old baby drink alcohol probably won't win me the Parent Of The Year award and hell - could put my child in danger. Gah. The whole thing just infuriates me.
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Thank goodness you updated your blog! It's been a a month! On the subject of the baby and the beer, I agree: some people should NOT have kids.
The Fab One
I know lots of people like that. I think it's time to start a sterilization project. Yes, I know how that sounds... but seriously, sometimes, I wish people had to take an IQ/personality test to breed.
It was a "what is wrong with the world" moment if there ever was one. It was also one of the rare times I've seen The Illuminatara so frenzied; it took some time for us to simmer down.
Yeah, it was like my latent maternal instinct kicked in and I had to protect my young. Even though the baby wasn't mine. The Marquee's cool composure prevented me from jumping the table and rescuing the baby.
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