If there is one thing that I learned about vampire hunting this weekend, it is that vampires are tricky little creatures that won't die unless you employ three weapons in succession: garlic, a wooden stake and a sword. How do I know this, you ask? Did I spend the weekend staring glazedly at episodes of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" ? Did I find the need to go to the library and max out my library card on vampire literature? Do I harbor an as-yet-unpublicized obsession with the novels of Ann Rice? No, no . . . and no. And, in case you were thinking it, I most definitely did NOT watch "Interview With A Vampire."
I did, however, battle zombies, werewolves and vampires with J.HumHum this weekend. He came to visit and brought the board game "Vampire Hunter." You have to play the game with the lights out and there is a tower in the center of the board that glows red and blue and lights up various parts of the game board. We each got a little plastic vampire hunter figure in order to Battle Evil and I have to say that my vampire hunter was definitely the more capable hunter. True, techinically I didn't win the game, but my hunter fought her way through with more finesse and I'll just say it . . . good, plain old sanity, than J.HumHum's vampire hunter - who had a tendency to hang by his head from the tower, cry with fear when approaching monsters . . . etc.
It was fun. :)
Before we fought the Powers of Darkness, we had to satisfy our appetites, so I introduced J.HumHum to the Richmond restaurant scene by taking him to Iponema, a vegetarian restaurant down in the VCU area. Neither of us are vegetarians, but I enjoy hummus (as everyone knows) and they have a really good hummus sandwich and the bartender has a really cool beard AND there is a wooden mermaid on the wall. We discussed whether or not they would be able to tell that we weren't "real" vegetarians. Luckily, we made it through dinner without blowing our cover. On Sunday we further buried ourselves in vegetarian hypocrisy by eating at Double T's, a barbeque place in Carytown. But I had the situation all under control, as I kept my eyes peeled for Iponema spies. True, one might argue that neither one of those places really cared about whether we were true vegetarians because heck, we paid them for their food . . . but you never know.
It was a good weekend. A Frisbee was tossed, a lake was admired, a shirt was purchased that says "Don't play leap frog with unicorns" and a metal robot found a new home. Good times.
hmmm...from that picture I wonder...
You see - the game we played is called "Vampire Hunter (The Game)" hahaa which of course, my friends and I always joked about because we never knew what the heck the game was based off of. Possibly this? Who knows. Although, it is a pretty common title - I would assume... (something to look into).
The game twas fun, and all the "I'm a better vampire hunter than you" bashing aside, what should be noted is that we won as a team ;)
Dear Tony The Tiger,
It was a GRRREEAT weekend, I agree. :) And you make a good point - we did win as a team. I think this bodes will for our professional capatibility when I rule the world.
I meant, "bodes well."
Only with my help of course...remember? I have all the great ideas and slogans! Also, ya never know when you may need a vampire hunter that can hang from towers at a 45 degree angle by his head! Booya!
Hmmm . . . I think as Ruler Of All, I'm going to have to ban the use of the word, "booya."
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