So, The Shamana and I are about to embark on a journey of epic proportions a la Indiana Jones - fighting evil, raiding arks that are lost, locating temples of doom, Winning The Good Fight, looking dusty, rugged (and muddy) from struggles through vast wastelands in search of legendary treasure (yet still looking incredibly hot) . . . all in the course of one weekend. Except we will be in the mountains, far from deserts and temples of doom and lost arks. And we'll be staying in luxurious accomodations on the summit. We won't even have to cook over an open campfire, because we have a full kitchen. But the spirit of adventure is still with us. And count on it - if we come across Evil & Doom, we will kick its butt. And take names. Although, I guess their names would be "Evil" and "Doom." Eh. Whatever, I'm beginning to digress.
My only area of concern is the drive up the mountainside. Brave and heroic that we are, full of all that is courageous and Good, one of us (me) has a penchant towards motion sickness and hilly, twisting roads do not get along with my tummy. The Shamana sometimes thinks that massive hills and mountains have a death wish against her car/jeep/vehicle. I can see it now:
*mountain looms*
The Shamana: Oh Dear God.
Me: I think we are going to die.
The Shamana: I think so.
Me: So this is what it feels like to be practically vertical in a moving vehicle.
The Shamana: Do you feel like we're about to plummet backwards onto the cars behind us and explode into a ball of fire?
Me: I was just thinking that.
The Shamana: Huh. That would suck.
Me: Yeah. But at least we'll die in the mountains . . . which are pretty? Right?
The Shamana: I guess it's the whole "the more beautiful a thing is, the more deadly it is" concept.
Me: Hence why we're so deadly.
The Shamana: . . .
Me: Cause . . . you know . . .
The Shamana: . . .
Me: Ok. I was just trying to make us feel better about ourselves before we die.
The Shamana: Oh. Yeah. Um. I feel better.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Gotta love those completely vertical mountain car rides!
-The Shamana
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