So, I was just sitting at my desk this morning. Mind you - just sitting there - when a boy comes in with his mother who happens to work at the company here on the first floor. I'd say he was somewhere in the age range of 10-13, black, on the chubby side and was wearing a gold turtleneck. I shall dub him The Golden One.
The Golden One says hello to me when he comes in and I say hello, thinking nothing of it. Then he comes and sits on the chair right in front of my desk . . . and he just sits there . . . and stares at me . . . for 15 minutes. Me, being rather disconcerted by this attention, decide that it is in my best interest to avoid eye contact. So, The Golden One gets up and leaves. He then walks back in and hands me a dandelion. I was rather startled but managed to get out a "Thank you" followed by "What's your name?" And sorry - I can't remember it now. I think that I said "thank you" at least 3 more times after that because I really didn't know what to say.
Ok, so then his mother is finally ready to leave and they walk out. I get back to work and then happen to look up at the door to find The Golden One there. I let him in and he hands me a McDonald's happy meal toy (a plastic hand-held sega genisis) and tells me how to turn it on. Then he precedes to continue to stare at me as he walks out of the door.
???? I'd like to know exactly what it is that I'm doing. For some reason, every male in the world who is either collecting Social Security, is a baby, is a Chester with a molesterstache, or an unnattainable man, is attracted to me. Not that I'm complaining, attention is nice every once and a while . . . but I'm starting to notice a pattern here that I'm not too fond of.
Maybe the supposed "clump of eyeliner or mascara" located on my lower right eyelid (a fact pointed out to me by The Zim) is to blame for this whole thing.
3 days ago
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