First of all, I've eaten an ungodly amount of hummus today. Just so you know.
So, today was Rue's big Photo Shoot. I "hired" as in "kindly asked/begged" my new friend The Photographer Extraordinaire to take some glamour shots of Her Highness as I did not have a digital camera and the film that is currently in my camera is black and white . . . which doesn't do much to highlight her beautiful orange color.
Rue wasn't very cooperative to begin with. Probably because I got her high on catnip and although that occupied her for eh . . . 5 solid minutes . . . it left her a little spastic for a while. I kept trying to distract her with toys, snap my fingers to get her to turn her head in a particular direction. It was like I had a child and was busy making goofy faces behind the camera in order to catch that "moment." But 4-year-old cats are smarter than human babies, I think, and Rue soon picked up on what was going on.
She picked up so much on what was going on that she finally realized that this photo shoot was all about her and began to perform brilliantly. Once The Photographer Extraordinaire and I got her on my bed, she was striking poses like a seasoned veteran. Some really cute pictures were taken of Rue and me.
Here is a list of various expressions Rue decided to portray in her first photo shoot, this day, the 18th of April:
- Annoyed
- I'm Cleaning In Between My Legs Why The Hell Are You Trying To Take My Picture
- *Blink*
- Catnip-Induced Blank Stare
- Catnip-Induced Psychotic Stare
- Butt-Wiggle In Combination With The I'm About To Pounce At That Motionless Bit Of Feather NOW Stare
- I'm Pretty.
- I'm Really Pretty.
- I'm Prettier Than My Owner.
- Seriously, I Am.
The Photographer Extraordinaire is working on loading the pictures onto his computer and once I get them I will probably post a few. :) How exciting!
By the way, I'd like to give a shout out to the most dastardly pirate out there: J.HumHum. Avast! Walk the plank! Aargh! Treasure! Woooooooot!
Ok, now I must go and work off the ungodly amount of hummus that I ate.
3 days ago
Here were the ones I liked the most:
And here's a zip file of them:
I'm uploading all of the others along with the high resolution ones as well, but those are going to take some time. They can be found here:
Let me know if you find one that I didn't tweak that you would like me to tweak and I'll take care of it for you. They aren't quite as clean as I would have liked but luckily I used the picture format I did. I might ask my brother if he knows how I can clean them up some.
Anyhow, enjoy. It was fun.
I took a look at the favorites . . . they're wonderful! Thank you so, so much. :)
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