Today I discovered some really good therapy for those days when you are pissed off at the world and those days that just completely and utterly suck (both of those types of days = today). If you are fortunate enough in your place of work or wherever you happen to be to have one of those motion sensor paper towel dispensers, then make one of the paper towels come out and then RIP IT OFF AS FAST AND AS FURIOUSLY AS YOU CAN, like you are ripping someone's head off their neck and you don't care in the slightest that this means that they will die. Honestly, it feels great. Just channel all of your rage into a comparable level of aggression towards the paper towel and just RIP. If it wasn't for the automated paper towel dispenser in the ladies restroom today, the stapler might have been in trouble.
3 days ago
Sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Anything I can do to make you feel a bit more fabulous?
awww...Illuminatara...this is sad yet so funny! haha
What you say about the automatic paper towel dispenser is true, but also in a different form...
You see, my day can be going grrrrreat, but then I come across an automatic paper towel dispenser...
which of course does not want to give me an ample amount of paper towels and not nearly fast enough...sometimes none at all! as if I don't create enough motion! Then causing me to dance around! Thus - causing me stress that I then take out on the automatic paper towel dispenser - then of course, I feel ok. so yea - they are therapeutic hahaa
and I don't think I have a code name yet, so...I use what I can for now...
Hey J.HumHum - I bet if you do the pirate's dance then you'll get those paper towels out faster. ;)
And to The Always Fabulous One, just leaving your comment made me feel a bit more fabulous. :)
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