I swear, there has to be some Murphy's Law-type Universal Code that states that when you purchase an expensive item that you don't really need but just want, then something pivotal that you already own will break or die as punishment for your unnecessary purchase.
Case in point: When shopping with The Cyclist last night I gave in to the demands of a very sexy pair of brown heels that insisted that I buy them, take them home, and use them to conquer the world and the hearts of men. Naturally, I could not just leave them on the shelf to waste their potential, so I bought them. Yes, they were a bit expensive. In fact, they were on the extreme edge of prices that I would pay for a pair of shoes. I was rather empowered by the purchase and proud of myself for resisting the pair of shoes with titanium heels that could pierce any surface other than steel and that intimidate the majority of men. Those shoes were the perfect "Don't mess with me, I am single and I don't need a man" shoes. I almost tried them on, because I think every woman should own a pair of shoes like that, but I was good.
Anyway, so I go to sleep overall content with my purchase and quite able to tuck any guilt at spending that kind of money way into the back of my mind. Then I woke up this morning and discovered that my cell phone had died. And I mean DIED. Not as in "ooooo I'm going to fake dying because I just need to be recharged" but "oooo I'm going to punish Kelly for buying expensive shoes by dying in such a way that I cannot be revived no matter how much pleading, cursing and threats to throw me across the room are yelled in my general direction." Bastard cell phone. I thought we were friends! We have a long history, you and I. And you chose to freeze yourself on the screen that says that I have 3 messages and now I can't even listen to them. That's just cruel. Also, now there is no way for me to retrieve the phone numbers from my contact list.
So, alas, I am being punished by the universe for my shoe purchase - as it looks like I'm going to have to buy a new cell phone. Grrrrrr.
2 days ago