Not on a shelf. Not in a granola-making factory. Not residing in the vision of a granola-addicted individual.
No, 16 boxes of granola placed oh so delicately in my shopping cart. Why? Because The Hubby must have granola for breakfast AT ALL COSTS. He also has a strange little quirk in his DNA that will randomly manifest as a desire to stock up on everything and anything - should it be on sale. Add in the fact that The Hubby had been without his beloved Quakers Granola (with and without raisins) for almost a week . . . and you have a recipe for disaster. A crunchy, ruffage-filled recipe - with a dash of organic milk. I take that back. About 10 cups of organic milk.
But come on, 16 BOXES OF GRANOLA at one time??! Standing in the aisle of the local grocery store, I alternated between crying from laughter and pretending I wasn't associated with said shopping cart full of granola. Seriously, questioning/youarecrazy stares from local patrons and grocery store employees can be intimidating.
All I can say is that we need to get The Hubby into Granola-hab (rehab for Granola crazypants people) STAT. I know you're with me on this.
P.S. - The Hubby is fully aware that I've been planning to write this post about him so you can't get me in trouble. :)
3 days ago
I'm not even going to try to defend myself. ;-) The guy bagging them at checkout was like "I hope you have enough milk!"
As they say, the first step is admitting you have a problem. I'm proud of you Hubby.
Hey, you were just telling everyone to stock up on emergency food, would you ever want to be with said hubby when he doesn't have granola? I didn't think so.
The distinguished lady makes a good point.
you do know that too much granola can cause constipation.
better have the prunes ready...
The Hubby informs me that he's never had that problem. But he ever does, you'll be the first he lets know.
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