I had never, ever seen a pizza slice that big.
I have no clue how it even fits the definition of a "slice."
Why did no one tell me that ordering two slices of pizza from this place was like ordering an entire pizza pie? I only bring this up because multiple people questioned my ordering of two slices behind my back, without informing me that one slice was enough to feed a small country. Oh the injustice! -shakes fist toward the sky-
You may be asking, "Why does it matter? Pizza is pizza. It is yummy and delish no matter what the size. In fact, the bigger the better, in my opinion."
You have a good point. That pizza was goooooooooood. Even if it was the size of my head.
3 days ago
Had I been there I would have ordered three just to annoy all the people you were with. At least you got to take the extra slice home and partake of its deliciousness later, right?
-The Shamana
Yes, I did get to take the extra mondo slice home and I would have partaken of its deliciousness . . . had I not been so full from the first slice. I could hardly eat any dinner.
And just because everyone is wondering what toppings I got . . . it was artichoke and tomato pizza.
You know you want some.
I usually try to limit the size of my pizza slices to something that I could roll up in like a sleeping bag. Anything more than that and you're just showing off.
But hey - if'n you're down with mac and cheese (they're related, y'know), you should try mine:
I know. It does kind of irk me when people try to rock pizza slices that are bigger than the length and width of their body - and that are quite obviously out of their league.
I am down with mac and cheese. In fact, my family has a secret mac and cheese recipe that has been passed down from matriarch to matriach for centuries. It involves a double boiler. (No joke.)
Give it to me. Give me the secret recipe. I have a matriarch and a double boiler. I can handle it.
I don't think you realize that giving you the secret (<-- points to word for emphasis) recipe would probably get me kicked out of the F.M.A. (Future Matriarchs of America).
You wouldn't want me to jeopardize that, now would you?
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