Ok, I need to change the font to normal size instead of small because it's bothering me. But that out of the way . . .
I made it through a day of work!! Sure I felt like crap most of the day! Sure I didn't know if I would make it and if my stomach would ever stop doing flip-flops, but I made it. That's all that matters. If I can make it through a day of work today, I can make it through tomorrow and the day after that. I probably won't have most of my energy back for another week or so, but I have what I need to work for now. That's about it. Well, and to go for a walk around my apartment. But beyond that, I'm not good for much! Just call me Little Miss Early Bedtime for like the next two weeks.
My parents came up on Saturday to take care of me and it was exactly what I needed. I felt stronger with them there and they helped me get all of the food and extra things that I needed. We went out to lunch and my mom and I went for a walk and had a wonderful time. Of course, after that, I was beat, but it was just so wonderful. I was really depressed after they left because I was so lonely, but my friends and family have kept calling and giving me support. It's been great.
Sunday was particularily hard for me. I started having anxiety attacks about driving and leaving the apartment because the last few times I had tried, I had been too sick to finish. So, my mom told me to go for a walk around the apartment and then to practice driving while she stayed with me on the phone. I had a mini-anxiety attack when I first started driving, but I eventually was able to calm myself down.
And today I made it through work. Yay!
Time to try and watch House.
3 days ago
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