I have a love/hate relationship with the showers here at Marshall. One thing I love is the water pressure - it's like a freakin turbo jet stream. I'm one of those people who prefers showers like waterfalls and not showers where the total water pressure is that of someone sprinkling water on you from a watering can. Those types of showers drive me to distraction. However, there is one little eccentricity of ye old Marshall Hall showers that I definitely do not enjoy - the intermittent SCALDING HOT water that comes through the faucet. It appears to be that any time someone flushes a toilet in the entire building, that one measly little toilet determines the temperature of water that comes out of the shower - and it's extremely hot water. The shower stall is very small so you don't have really anywhere to move in order to escape it, if you even get a warning. Sometimes the water will pause for a millisecond and you just know you're about to get burned so you can try and move at least some of your body out of the jet stream, but recently it hasn't even been doing that. And generally, I get my shower right after I wake up so my lightening-quick reflexes are not so lightening quick. Ooo but the most fun is when your face is under the water when the hot water comes. It's great.
Can you tell I had an encounter with multiple moments of scalding hot water this morning?
This afternoon should be fun. One of my favorite people from the Signature (the restaurant I usually hostess at when I'm home from school), Jim, is going to be up in Fredericksburg today and tomorrow so tonight we're going out to dinner and possibly catching a movie. It's become a tradition whenever he's in the area. Such a great guy that Jim. Very sweet and a great friend. If we go see a movie I have no idea what to see - nothing really good is out. I heard The Ring 2 got a horrible review. I'd be interested in seeing Robots, although I don't know if that is something Jim would be interested in. Oh well. :) We shall see. Despite my socializing adventure this evening, I still have to be productive. Lots of writing of the creative type to do.
Ooo guess what - "Finding Neverland" comes out on dvd this Tuesday. Man that was quick. Once I get some money I am so buying that. It was soooooooo good and got overlooked at the Oscars. I think it only won best score.
Oh and shout out to Manley. Was glad to see he posted a comment. :) What's up Manley?
3 days ago
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