I thought you might like to start off this evening with a little good news. A little fabulous news that is - on tonight's episode of Gilmore Girls, finally . . . after much twists of fate and obstacles upon a beaten path, Luke and Lorelai are back together again. I know, I know, I was a bit antsy for a while there, too. I mean, they had just finally gotten together after years and years of being in love with each other and some sort of conflict was bound to come up . . . but still, if the writers don't marry those two together I will have a fit of the royal kind. And believe me, THEY (being the writers/producers of Gilmore Girls) will take notice, my friends. I want to be just like the character of Lorelai when I'm her age - witty, quirky, eccentric, fast-talking, attractive, in shape, loved by all - with a Luke.
Well, today's outlook on life has been a bit brighter than it has been in the past. I'm really trying to adopt a "really Kelly, you are so incredibly blessed and have it so incredibly well off compared to millions of people in the word" type of an attitude. I went to the optomotrist today and good news - my vision is stable. Hasn't gotten any worse, which is very good. I also got new glasses today. Valentino frames and the thinnest type of lense they can make with my monsterously bad prescription - so - about as sexy as I will ever get my glasses to be. Am considering laser surgery in the future - but that is way in the future when I have a job and money. I've told my uncle that if I don't have a job when I graduate that I'd tatoo the name of the new design company he's starting on my forehead for a good price.
Hmmm. I could ramble on but methinks I should stop here. Hah. Yes, I just typed "methinks." Still want to be my friend?
A few prayers requests for those so inclined: 1. Please pray that CRT calls me for an interview. 2. Please pray for my brother's monsterous Roman Civilization exam this Thursday. He's worried about it but has been studying like a fiend!
Oh and one more thing - I will try to post tomorrow, but I can't promise. Then after tomorrow I'm going to be in Richmond for the rest of the week and devoid of the ability to post since my grandmother doesn't own a computer and I can only check my e-mail while I'm at the internship. So try to survive until then. Or e-mail me. Ciao. :)
3 days ago
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