[Luke’s Diner. Luke is taking chairs off the tables when he sees Lorelai sitting outside the diner waiting for him to open.]
LUKE: What are you doing?
LORELAI: I need coffee.
LUKE: It's 5:00 in the morning. Make coffee at your own house.
LORELAI: I did. I drank it all.
LUKE: You drank all the coffee in your house before five in the morning?
LORELAI: Big gulps, lots of sugar.
LUKE: Alright, get up. [Pulls her up and takes her inside.]
LORELAI: And just a little bit of cream 'cause it makes it cold.
LUKE: Keep moving.
LORELAI: [ Sighs ] I can't sleep. I can't turn my mind off. It keeps running and thinking and making lists.
LUKE: Maybe if you drank a little less coffee, you'd make a little less lists.
LORELAI: Oh, I can't stop drinking the coffee. If I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing and the walking and the words putting-into-sentence doing.
LUKE: I'll make you some coffee.
3 days ago
cutting back on your dependence for coffee = falling into less walls ;)
Hmmm. I would argue that drinking more coffee would make me alert enough to not fall into walls. Yep. I think I'll go with that argument. :)
yea...alert enough to never sleep! yup - you're right - you can do without sleep! yay 24 hour alertness! i heard crack is good for that as well...if you were looking to take the next step... :P
I think you should try the caffeine soap from thinkGeek. It's the best way to slowly work your way into better substances - oh and crank is better than crack - it's better on the brain (more lists, more cleaning... more gaming etc)
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