Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I am completely and utterly without a Mark Darcy. Forget the fact that I am single, career-oriented woman with no time to commit to a Mary Darcy, but I lack a Mark Darcy nonetheless. And that is a tragic, tragic, event. Forget also your opinions about the commercialism/lack of commercialism elements of Valentine's Day . . . or whether it should always be celebrated with roses and a box of chocolates. While I acknowledge the remarkable marketing and money-making capabilities of Valentine's Day for companies like Hallmark and Hershey's, I will always wish to spend it with someone that I care for and I will always wish for some token of appreciation from someone . . . I'm just a romantic and that will never change. Although tomorrow I know that although 1. Neither Josh Groban nor Mark Darcy will propose to me and 2. I will not run into a dark, mysterious, handsome Italian man with a love of books and art and a burning desire to be with me forever and build me a home in Italy, it would be very nice to receive a single rose from somebody . . . and they can be anonymous - that's mysterious and romantic. But alas, I most likely won't, which is probably best because career-driven women who aspire to one day have published a book and have a fabulously decorated apartment probably don't have time for such things. (my mailbox number is UMW #1799, 1701 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401).
Anyway, I had a bloody fabulous time with Kevin and Lauren this weekend up in Fairfax. Who needs a gorgeous Italian man with I have such wonderful friends who care about me? Well, ok . . . who needs a man when I have such wonderful friends who care about me? Friday night was nice and relaxing - lemon chicken (made by Kevin), movies (The Notebook and Napolean Dynomite) and wine. Saturday day was Crispix cereal, shopping with Lauren (and me fully embodying the internal struggle of willpower vs. impulse buying - I desperately wanted to buy art and fake flowers for the apartment that I do not yet possess), chinese food lunch, King Arthur movie - and Saturday night Dave and Buster's, with lots of fun people. I won an orange gorilla. Or orangotaung. I can't spell that. And this morning Kevin made us pancakes and some type of turkey sausage. Brilliant chef of the highest category of brilliance that Kevin is.
Good night all.
3 days ago
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