Remember Snoopy just typing away on top of his little red doghouse? . . . "It was a dark and stormy night . . ."
I don't know how he did it, but he made the cliche dramatic setting so incredibly cool. Man, I miss Snoopy.
I just experienced something that I have never experienced before as a writer. Granted, I've never written a short story before, but for a good 30 - 45 minutes this evening, I was completely in my story. Totally absorbed, fingers typing away . . . it was great. Now that doesn't mean the story is any good because I got all caught up in it, but I'd like to hope that others might get caught up in it as well - at some distant point in the future, after many inevitable revisions.
Not that anybody reading is probably very interested in the details of my creative process, so I apologize - but I'm about to start in on my second glass of green tea and I've got that weird green tea caffeine buzz. Healthy caffeine! Healthy caffeine! (Oxymoron?) I'm trying to wean myself off of caffeine from the likes of diet pepsi (which harbors that supposedly cancer-causing ingredient, aspertame). I'm struggling, though. I'm addicted. I need a mentor. Any volunteers?
I've got about roughly a quarter of my story left to write. I think I'm going to do some more brainstorming on paper and then perhaps . . . perhaps . . . finish the rest tomorrow, post-internship. But we'll see.
Ok, I must go and get another glass of green tea pumping through my bloodstream. I wonder how thick the ice is on the windshield of my car and how much earlier I should get up tomorrow to clean it off . . .
3 days ago
Hey, I'll be your mentor on caffeine.
Kevin, I am humbled and honored. You are it.
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